If you’re facing charges of prostitution or pandering in Kennesaw, The Freedom Lawyers can provide the skilled defense you need. Georgia’s laws on these charges are strict, and a conviction can carry significant penalties that affect your future. Further, Kennesaw’s proximity to Kennesaw State University and numerous elementary and Middle Schools in the area often escalate the seriousness of these crimes without the participants knowledge.
The Freedom Lawyers understand the complexities of Georgia’s legal system, and specifically the landscape of Cobb and Kennesaw in relation to the rest of the city. We have extensive experience defending clients against prostitution and pandering charges, from College Students to those close to retirement age. We fight aggressively to protect your rights, aiming to achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us now to schedule a free attorney consultation. (Link to Form)
Understanding Prostitution and Pandering Laws in Georgia
In the State of Georgia, prostitution and pandering are considered serious offenses. Here’s what each of these charges entails:
- Prostitution: This charge involves engaging in or offering to engage in sexual acts in exchange for money or goods. In Georgia, both the person offering the act and the person soliciting can face charges. O.C.G.A. 16-6-9 (Linked to https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/title-16/chapter-6/section-16-6-9/)
- Pandering: This charge refers to someone arranging or soliciting another person for prostitution. It can include actions like persuading, encouraging, or promoting the act of prostitution. Pandering charges apply whether or not the act of prostitution occurs. O.C.G.A. 16-6-12 (Linked to https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/title-16/chapter-6/section-16-6-12/)
These charges carry severe penalties that can impact your personal and professional life. Therefore, it’s crucial to have experienced attorneys on your side who understand Georgia’s prostitution and pandering laws.
Further, Kennesaw Police and Cobb County Courts treat these charges seriously due to the demographics of the suburbs around Kennesaw and the numerous public parks. You need attorneys who are familiar with the area, the politics, and the police.